Research RfP open

Sep 25, 2024

Call for Research Proposals: Research in Primary and Secondary Schools

The due date for all proposals is December 1, 2024.

This QFI research proposal solicits research that addresses the top 10 research priorities:

  1. What approaches to teacher development are effective for teachers of Arabic?
  2. How do we design valid, reliable, inclusive, and fair assessments of AL2 proficiency for learners of diverse backgrounds?
  3. What might an effective multiglossic approach to teaching Arabic look like?
  4. How can we ensure that instruction and materials are appropriate for learners of different levels within the same classroom (across different language skills and areas of learning)?
  5. How do we develop heritage learners' positive sense of identity through their Arabic learning?
  6. What strategies can learners use in relation to different skills (reading, writing, listening, vocabulary, learning etc.) to help improve their proficiency?
  7. How can students be encouraged to use Arabic inside and outside the classroom?
  8. What resources are available for teaching Arabic at different levels, and to students of different backgrounds, and how effective are they?
  9. What factors influence, generate, and sustain learners' motivation to study Arabic?
  10. How can critical cultural competence be taught effectively to different categories of learners?Researchers (at universities or think tanks, research orgs) - located in QFI geographies

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