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Boost your chances of landing a job in international business and diplomacy
Develop your intercultural communication skills
Raise the ceiling on your future salary
Improve your cognitive skills, concentration, and memory
Confidently travel to 23+ countries where Arabic is an official language
Speaking Arabic is unique and cool!
Find university studies, summer programs, and out-of-school extracurriculars in your area.
Are you a high-achieving high school senior planning on continuing your Arabic studies at university? For qualified candidates, QFI may assist with a portion of your first-year university tuition.
Qualified secondary school students may apply for tuition support for a summer Arabic language program. Programs can be in-person, online, domestic, or abroad.
When you join your school’s AHS club, you unlock fun ways to deepen your engagement with the language, make friends, and strengthen your university application. To join your local AHS club, talk to your Arabic teacher.